
Green Rabbits work in the field of food systems planning as creative problem solvers, researchers, special project developers and facilitators of brainstorming platforms that bring together food professionals and experts from other aligned fields to do knowledge sharing and strategic planning.

We are proponents of holistic practical approaches to improving the production, distribution and consumption of food by small scale professionals who care about restoration ecology and delivering better health outcomes.

We support thinking globally and working regionally, especially because we all need a more coordinated approach to climate change, inclusive of protecting the biodiversity and natural ecosystems we all depend upon, eliminating hunger and improving human health outcomes.

We think one of the most effective ways we can help is by drawing attention to the “low hanging fruit” — the clear opportunities for practical interventions — such as the return of indoor public food marketplaces in cities for the food producers of a region’s food economy to be more visible and accessible for retail and wholesale; and the use of restoration ecology in agriculture and aquaculture.

We celebrate the knowledge emerging from diverse and interdisciplinary fields on inter-related issues of food, agriculture, aquaculture, climate change, human health, biodiversity and the protection of the natural ecologies and resources we depend on.

Many of the founders of Green Rabbits first collaborated on a series of projects called The Dirt Cafe Debates from 2004-2009.